• International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology (IConGEET) 2025

    IConGEET is an annual event that brings together important voices in scientific needs and integrates knowledge in various civil and environmental-related fundamentals and applications towards achieving a green environment. 

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Our Conference

Topics of interest
Water and Wastewater 
Air Pollution and Control  Technologies
Noise pollution
Groundwater Pollution
Soil Pollution and Treatment
Oil Spill
Sustainable Energy and Energy Management
Renewable energy
Environmental Remediation
Environmental Sustainability and Development
Greenhouse Effects
Global Warming 
Climate Change
Environmental Management and Protection
Environmental Risk Assessment & Safety Regulations
Environmental Survey
Remote Sensing and GIS
Environmental Modelling
Environmental Education Program
Green Manufacturing and Technologies
Pollution Prevention​
Others related topic
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Explore Our Previous Conferences

Discover the highlights of our past conferences, where we brought together some of the most renowned speakers, leading researchers, esteemed collaborators, and valued partners for an unforgettable and impactful event.

IConGEET 2024

Bali, Indonesia
Shaping Sustainable Future: Exploring Strategies for Green Technology

IConGEET 2023

Langkawi Island, Malaysia

Empowering innovation and technology for a sustainable and resilient future

IConGEET 2022

Seoul, Korea

Driven Technologies towards Sustainable Environment

IConGEET 2021

Penang, Malaysia
Enhancing sustainable environment for humanity: Challenges and opportunity in the post covid era

IConGEET 2020

Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Our first ever virtual conference

Reach out now!

IConGEET is a long-standing and reputable conference, known for its stability and excellence
IConGEET works with other aligned organizations to present additional opportunities for attendees to learn and network during the conference.
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