Thank you for attending our conference
IConGEET 2021
8 - 9 September 2021
Join International Conference
3rd International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology (IConGEET2021)
7th International Conference on Green Design and Manufacture (IConGDM2021)
Thank you for attending the 3rd International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology (IConGEET 2021) on 8 and 9 September 2021. We hope that you found the conference informative and worthwhile. The primary goal of this conference was to bring together scientific needs and integrates knowledge in various civil and environmental related fundamentals and applications towards achieving green environment.

IConGEET 2021
Our Proceeding
The proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology (IConGEET 2021) have been published online. The link is given below: