4th International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology
IConGEET 2022
17 - 18 November 2022
Hotel Prince, 130 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, SEOUL KOREA
Hotel Prince, 130 Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, SEOUL KOREA
- Conservation of natural resources: Utilization of sewage sludge in brick and its impact on gas emissions and indoor air quality
- Investigation of microplastics presence in the Dambovita river
- Bio-char and bio-oil production from pyrolysis of palm kernel shell and polyethylene
- Preservation of natural resources by utilizing combustion ash in concrete and determination of its engineering properties
- Anaerobic co-digestion of different types of cow dung with food waste
- Mini review on recent advances of the adsorption mechanism between microplastics and emerging contaminants for conservation of water
- Enhancing ecosystem biodiversity through air pollution concentrations prediction using support vector regression approaches

the conference
IConGEET 2022
4th International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology (IConGEET) 2022. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform for knowledge sharing and interchange among researchers, academicians and industrial experts in the furtherance of environmental engineering and technologies. As this year theme “Enhancing Sustainable Environment for Humanity: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Covid Era” it is hope that the researchers and academician will be working
together to help and support the government in ensuring a rapid recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and building resilience to future outbreaks.
Driven Technologies towards Sustainable Environment